

Overhaul of Compressor Stations

Compressor station overhauls can help prevent breakdowns, extend the service life of the equipment, and restore the system to factory condition efficiency. Here are some things to consider when overhauling a compressor station:
  • Airend replacement, overhaul, or rerate/derate
    Depending on the situation, these options can all be valuable solutions.
  • Blowdown valve inspection and repair
    Compressor station operations can stress blowdown valves, which can lead to methane emissions. It’s important to inspect and repair leaking blowdown valves annually.
  • Directed Inspection and Maintenance (DI&M) program
    This program can help identify and fix leaking components at a compressor station. It can be cost-effective because it focuses on repairing components that are most likely to leak and are most profitable to repair.
  • Gas compressor hazards
    Compressor stations can be hazardous, with potential risks including explosions, fires, leaks, spills, and exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), radon 222, and lead